Her research explores the intimate and deeper sphere of individuals. In particular, she reflects on the dynamics of adaptation, on the relationship with nature - highlighting its difficulties and criticalities - as well as point out pre-established thought patterns and social constructs. In her works, the artist has always preferred the use of natural filaments - be they wool, hair or body hair - transforming them into real signs, strokes like those outlined by a pen that draws what the hand orders and the mind decides. Relative to the space of action they are like microelements that become at the same time points of connection and junction as well as visible trails of the movement of man in space. Along with geographical maps, hair is one of the two main elements compared and on which the game of stairs created with the Spoglie - (Spoils)series of collages focuses. Over the random signs and shapes of the maps - formed by roads, rivers and coasts - the artist superimposes a tangle of hair that becomes one with the surface, creating new paths. The natural element takes on soft and sinuous shapes, contrasting with the often-angular signs of the maps and symbolically tracing the chaotic flow of man on earth. In a game between micro and macro, organic traces of man are mixed with paths made invisible, but both designed following the typically human nature of transforming the space around oneself.
The silhouettes of the islands/continents were created during the performance: Rito Funebre alla Terra, 2020
(Funeral Rite to the Earth, 2020)..
The surfaces thus created resemble the remnants of the deceased—imperceptible silhouettes of territories that remain barely discernible, much like the fading memories of a lost person.
Gli “studi” sono invece i progetti preparatori
Laura Pieri
A work dedicated to Iranian women in their struggle. Click here for more information about the project.